Avolovers newsletter June 2023

Hey Avocado Lover,

Are you missing your avocado fix? Well you are in luck because avocados are BACK!

Avocados are pretty amazing, they don’t start to ripen until they are picked from the tree. It then takes about two weeks for them to be ready to eat. Some years this can result in a limited supply of avocados between April and the start of June as the seasons cross over. To ensure they will ripen into the beautiful fruit that we all know and love, new season fruit cannot be picked until it is fully grown and passed a maturity test. Good things take time but the wait is over.

100% of the avocados eaten in New Zealand are grown locally in NZ by our amazing community of growers. The new season fruit is being picked, packed, and is landing on supermarket shelves as we speak! Avocados are back on the menu so keep an eye out for our super nutritious friend.

What recipe will you try first with your fresh new season New Zealand avocado?

Mexican Avocado salad with avocado sour cream

Poached egg on avocado toast


Salmon Avocado Salad Pita Pockets

Chocolate Coconut Avocado Mousse


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